
First of all We'd like to say that we are very grateful that so far everyone understands the shipping times without actually contacting us.

We haven't had a single complaint and want to thank you all for that.

It means we are doing something right, however for awhile now we've been meaning to add a shipping page like this to our site just in case and so to this day without a single complain there it is we are making it for all of you.

We are getting a lot of daily orders and even we are a little bit surprised that no one contacted us for a delay in shipping. 

WE DO EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO CLEAR YOUR PAYMENTS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE (1-2) Business days and Immediately ship the product to you so you don't have to wait.

Sometimes it is holidays or weekends and banks take longer than a day or two but after we confirm it we contact our couriers and try to be as fast as possible.

Our items are located in different warehouses as you can see in some of our products. Some we ship from the US other from the UK some from China sometimes even the Russian Federation.


Sometimes delays may be possible do to customs or couriers.

A Standard shipping time for most products is 8-15 business days for most countries. COMPLETELY FREE.

Other times countries like lets say French Polynesia could take 25 days but that's beyond our power.

In the future we will add at checkout the option to pick between Free Shipping or Pay more for faster Shipping less than 7 days but so far what we see is prices anywhere from 50-70-80 to 180 USD at times.

If you place higher orders we try to absorb as much of the costs as possible so you get your items extra fast than normal to we pay more from our pockets so our customers with larger orders can be happy.

We try constantly to lower the courier fees cause we handle a larger amount than normal through them and very soon hopefully we will be able to offer you even faster shipping for free and few days shipping for a price.

Until then we are very happy for your Understanding and we will try as much as possible to compensate you with discounts on your future orders if we have you in our email database.

Thank you all again.

DealsVD Team.

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